Ronni Davis grew up in Cleveland, Ohio. After graduating from The Ohio State University with a BA in Psychology, she worked in insurance, taught yoga, and became a cat mom.
Now she lives in Chicago with her husband Adam and her son Aidan. By day she edits everything from TV commercials to billboards, and by night she writes contemporary teen love stories. When she’s not writing, you can catch her playing the Sims, Stardew Valley, or Animal Crossing, eating too much candy, dreaming about Paris, or planning her next trip to Disney World. She has an MFA in Creative Writing for Children and Young Adults from Hamline University.
Her debut novel, WHEN THE STARS LEAD TO YOU, was released by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers in November 2019, and the anthology YOU TOO?, in which she is a contributor, is available now from Inkyard Press. Her latest book, THIS NIGHT IS OURS, was published in 2024 from Little, Brown Books for Young Readers.
Book of the Month Club—When the Stars Lead to You was a November 2019 selection.
2020 Ohioana Book Award in middle grade/young adult literature finalist.
The July 2024 Anne Tews Schwab Award for Critical Writing for the critical essay titled, “We Are the World…and the World Shows Us Who We Are: How Setting Reveals and Informs Character.”
The 2024 Vaunda Micheaux Nelson Award for Writers of Color.
Choose to Read Ohio—a joint initiative of the State Library of Ohio, Ohioana Library, and Ohio Center for the Book, designed to engage Ohio readers and support Ohio authors, illustrators, and literature. When the Stars Lead to You was one of 20 books selected for the 2021–2022 season.
Illinois Reads—a yearly statewide project to promote reading for all Illinois citizens—picked This Night Is Ours to be a 2025 selection. This is out of only 36 books chosen across all genres and age groups.